Easy way to make a bunch of money. The Autor is not talking about himself. I work at a grocery store where all the TP is gone along with all the homeopathic medicines and plant based disinfectants. one guy even asked if the sign was real. The government is literally recommending you stock up. This isn't suicide by words, it's murdered by words. I swear these journalists need to be arrested and prosecuted for fear mongering and causing nation wide panic. Thanks, Lori and Debra, for answering these questions, which, of course, raise many more questions not only about who these amazing beings are, but also why they're routinely treated as if they're unfeeling dullards. VALUED CUSTOMERS: Due to the recent outbreak of stupidity and panic-purchasing by complete idiots, the nation is currently experiencing a shortage of toilet paper and common sense. 89% Upvoted. A few people decided to buy a ton which means the rest need to stock up too so they don’t run out when their normal supply gets low and the stores have none left, If they were buying shitloads of TP what makes you think they weren’t also getting shitloads of non perishable food. Our cosco is limiting two purchase limit per day on tp, water, sanitizer ect. Sheep are emotional animals and, like us, can feel optimistic or pessimistic based on their prior experiences. Nothing we’ve learned about sheep gives us a free pass to mistreat them based on myths about their “mindlessness.” They are intelligent, complex, and feeling individuals.". Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. To be honest, we are concerned, as are many scientists, scholars, poets, and artists that the way animals are treated will not change. They use the just-in-time system meaning they cannot handle any unusual buying without causing a supply shortage. I kinda blame the media for creating a fear for corona virus, Costco was out of water and toilet paper. Feel free to provide more information. Marc Bekoff, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Is it wrong that I use baby wipes instead of tp? My wife is a dental assistant and her office ran out of both because of this retarded scare. Then again, we are kinda retarded. Are You Feeling Stuck in Your Relationship? Furthermore, that there is nothing to fear in this realization, rather, beginning today, right now, every one of us can make a difference in the lives of animals and the future of the planet. Marino and Merskin were able to answer a few questions about their landmark essay. We don’t shy away from using these kinds of terms because they are valid and authentic ways to describe other animals. Sheep-headed synonyms, Sheep-headed pronunciation, Sheep-headed translation, English dictionary definition of Sheep-headed. People are buying up masks and gloves too. They bought all the canned green beans from Aldis too, Why is this so hard to understand? All of these are “journeys” into the minds of farmed animals that revealed the fact that all farmed animals possess abilities that are seen in other animals we readily admit are exceedingly intelligent and complex, i.e. Just because you are not used to selling out of toilet paper, does not make everyone lack common sense. Now there’s a shortage of toilet paper even here. When your survival stash consists of nothing but taco bell... Yo. You think toilet paper will go bad? Posted May 12, 2019 I’ll be sitting on the throne protected by my huge cushioned wall yelling at the guy next door waiting for my friend in the lab coat to give me my next cocktail. 1. primates, dogs, etc. I seriously don't have toilet paper. That means they're gonna go get the toilet paper back after they've all died. Upvote this comment if it is a suicide by words. As I stand over you with my clean butthole and say " was it worth it? Animal Welfare Fails Many Millions of Sentient Individuals, The Whale Sanctuary Project: Saying No Thanks to Tanks. We are a country the size of California and we got 500 cases of the Wuhan half of which are in Stockholm alone. share. By clicking on "Submit" below, you are certifying the following statements: This country has been running low on common sense and intelligence for a long time. They can interpret emotions on the faces of other sheep and can remember sheep faces over years. Truth be told, we would like people to read our paper and awaken to the realization that sheep are like us in all the ways that matter in terms of how we treat them and that we should not be using them as food and medical research subjects. What would you like people to do with your essay and your conclusions? If you're going to stock up you should do it slowly over time, not be a dick and bleed a store dry, Those that are sheep to the govt are the ones freaking out about the Coronavirus outbreak, Wait there is a toilet paper shortage? Just know that if you get it there will be a brief time when you exhibit no symptoms but can spread it. Our stores are so broken. They didn’t want to test people cuz “racism”. Cults and Cognition: Programming the True Believer, Two Hidden Traits Found in High Achievers, Micromanipulations: A Narcissist's Method of Control, Psychology Today © 2020 Sussex Publishers, LLC, How Mindfulness Could Backfire at Stressful Moments, New Research Finds Pessimism Signals a Bipolar Relapse, Intelligence, complexity, and individuality in sheep, Seeing Species: A New Book Looks at Animals in Media, Pigs are Intelligent, Emotional, and Cognitively Complex, Cows: Science Shows They're Bright and Emotional Individuals. I'm glad your essay is available online for free and I hope it will be read by a global audience, many--far too many--of whom don't appreciate sheep for being intelligent and highly emotional individuals with marked differences in personality who are used and abused by the millions, each and every year. "Our paper is meant to separate fact from fiction and to understand who sheep are–not what we want them to be. We expect supplies to be replenished once these sheep-minded morons have all starved to death in their homes, surrounded by toilet paper but without anything to eat.