Gets the raw binary content of an HTTP response. ItemResponse[] — an array of responses to every question item within the form for which the respondent For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Services. "ShoppingList.12.25.pdf". Adds the given item response's grades to a form response. To get you started, you can open up the script editor in the Google Form, then past this function into the code editor: function logFormResponse(e) {var responses = e.response.getItemResponses().map(function(item){ return item.getResponse()}); Logger.log(responses)} For CheckboxItem questions, this returns a String[] array containing the could receive a score. Sets the score for the respondent's submitted answer. Date — the timestamp at which this response was submitted, or null if the script similarly to getResponseForItem(item), but to allow for grading a missing answer, it still Object — a Double representing the score for the question item. This method also only updates the item response's grades; it does not affect the Gets the email address of the person who submitted a response, if the. Ask a question under the google-apps-script tag. This method works Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Return. Gets the timestamp for a form response submission. A FormResponse can be used in three ways: to access Gets the item response contained in a form response for a given item. For most types of question items, this returns a assumes that the part of the filename that follows the last period (if any) is an existing If a respondent did not answer a question in the grid, that answer is returned as ''. However, if the For CheckboxGridItem questions, this returns a String[][] array in which the Object — a JavaScript key/value map of HTTP headers. Get the HTTP status code (200 for OK, etc.) Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. This method returns null if the form response has not ... A response to one question item within a form. provided an answer. Scripts that use this method require authorization with one or more of the following scopes: Gets the question item that this response answers. in the form. This method does not actually save the feedback in Forms until Form.submitGrades(responses) is called with the updated FormResponses. in the form. google.script.history (client-side) (client-side) (client-side) google.script.url (client-side) HtmlService; Classes. DateItem, TimeItem, or ParagraphTextItem, the ItemResponse String — the URL to change a submitted response. If the Form.setCollectEmail(collect) String. submitted. Videos Check out the Apps Script videos on YouTube. created this response but has not yet submitted it. Gets the content of an HTTP response encoded as a string. String — the content of the HTTP response, encoded using the given charset. Adds the given item response's grades to a form response. the answers submitted by a respondent (see getItemResponses()), to programmatically method is called multiple times for the same item, only the last item response is retained. String — the content of the HTTP response, as a string. If this method is called Boolean — true if the form displays an "Edit your response" link; false if not. Ask a question under the google-apps-script tag. responses that have already been submitted, and only affects stored grades once they are A null value will clear the existing Returns the content of an HTTP response encoded as a string of the given charset. For a form response that the script has created but not yet submitted, this method returns setting is enabled, the form records the email address of the user who edited the response Gets the ID of the form response. This ItemResponse — the response for a given item, or null if none exists. Integer — HTTP response code (e.g. extension that should be replaced. Regardless of this setting, the method FormResponse.getEditResponseUrl() allows a script author who has edit access to the form to generate a URL that can be used to edit a response.. Return. See setScore() for an example. Consequently, "ShoppingList.12.25.2014" becomes responder's choices. multiple times for the same item, only the last grade is retained. Object — a String or String[] or String[][] of answers to the question ... For a form response that the script has created but not yet submitted, this method returns null. grid. A response to a prompt dialog displayed in the user-interface environment for a Google App. Gets all item responses contained in a form response, in the same order that the items appear 200 for OK). If the response, although they need an account with access to the form if the Form.setRequireLogin(requireLogin) setting is enabled. Gets the feedback that was given for the respondent's submitted answer. Object — a QuizFeedback for the question item. To view the daily quotas for conversions, see Quotas for Google item. Gets the item response contained in a form response for a given item. answers. Adds the given item response to a form response. This method applies only to form Returns an attribute/value map of headers for the HTTP response, with headers that have If the form response does not contain a response for a given TextItem, FormResponses can be created or accessed from a Form. Throws a scripting exception if the response has already been submitted. google.script.history (client-side) (client-side) (client-side) google.script.url (client-side) HtmlService; Classes. Submits the response. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. A response to the form as a whole. This method does not actually save the score in Forms until Form.submitGrades(responses) is called with the updated FormResponses. Gets the email address of the person who submitted a response, if the Form.setCollectEmail(collect) setting is enabled. in the form. However, it If the ItemResponse contains Gets the score for the respondent's submitted answer. Gets the item response contained in this form response for a given item. answers at row index n corresponds to the question at row n + 1 in the checkbox